Sinkhole Repair Methods

If you have filed a claim regarding sinkhole damage on your property and your claim has not been denied, your insurance company is likely to recommend a repair method that is in their best interest, not yours. In fact their most widely used repair method is “Grouting”.


This method of sinkhole repair is the cheapest and most invasive, thus, the method the insurance company is likely to push for. Grouting consists of a modified mixture of concrete being pumped under the home under extreme pressures. However, there is no way to determine exactly where the concrete is going or how much will be needed to properly fill and stabilize the area. In all our years we can’t remember a single claim where grouting actually worked! In fact, in EVERY instance where we represented someone that grouted (against or recommendation), it failed! We then fought to have the homes retested. In every case where the home was re- tested the sinkhole activity was still present and in some cases worse than before. In fact grout is almost never found when the home is re-tested! Where did it go? Good question.
Many structural engineers do not consider grouting to be a solution on its own, and most grouting companies will not guarantee their repairs, leaving property owners without much needed peace of mind and on the hook for the costs of future repairs.


In this procedure, metal piers are driven into the ground and embedded in the limestone beneath the property. The piers are then attached to the building using brackets with underpins being installed around the perimeter of the property. This is widely considered to be the best way to stabilize a structure suffering from sinkhole damage. However, this is also a costly process, which is why insurance companies will usually recommend grouting instead. The sad truth is almost all insurance policies promise to pay to stabilize the land(grout) AND foundation(underpinning). It is sad that the insurance companies constantly try and get away with just grouting. Don’t be a victim! Whether you have already grouted or are just starting the sinkhole claim process, call us today for a free inspection and consultation.
Have you had sinkhole repair done to your residence? Are you confident that it worked properly? Find out more information about how you can evaluate and be sure at our Did Your Sinkhole Repair Work? page.

Contact us to find out how Smarto Public Adjusting Group can help you with your commercial or residential insurance claim.
Call us at 863-430-3857 today!

Smarto Public Adjusting represents both commercial & residential claims, specializing in the following areas: